8-Month-Old Doesn’t Know How To Talk, But It Doesn’t Stop Her From Giving Dad An Earful

A baby’s first words are one of those adorable (hopefully!) memories that parents will forever cherish. Babies may begin communicating words such as “mama” and “dada” as early as 7 months old. Of course, that’s not always the case as it’s perfectly normal for babies to not say anything recognizable until about 18 months. Still, … Read more

3-Year-Old Loses It When She Hears Adam Levine Got Married. But Then She Meets Him On Ellen.

Think back to when you experienced your first-ever crush. How did it feel? Exciting? Nerve-wracking? Strange yet wonderful? Now think about how old you were… probably quite young, right? Maybe you were in elementary, or middle school, and you were trying everything in your might to get a conversation in with your crush every day. … Read more