3-Year-Old Loses It When She Hears Adam Levine Got Married. But Then She Meets Him On Ellen.

Think back to when you experienced your first-ever crush. How did it feel? Exciting? Nerve-wracking? Strange yet wonderful? Now think about how old you were… probably quite young, right? Maybe you were in elementary, or middle school, and you were trying everything in your might to get a conversation in with your crush every day.


Isn’t it quite strange how those feelings of love follow us all the way through our life? And even when we’re older, some people still experience immense shyness when confronted with their crush. As soon as he/she walks through the door, you feel butterflies in your stomach, your palms get all sweaty, and you feel like you need to quickly run out of the room because you’re not lost for words and don’t want to make a fool out of yourself. If you’re one of those people, you’ll absolutely relate to this little toddler who has a massive crush on the singer, Adam Levine (and even if you’re not one of those people, this video is too cute not to watch).


At first, we meet a three-year-old named Mila and we get to see her reaction to Adam’s nuptials — a negative reaction, to be exact. Then, the video takes us to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” where we meet the young girl and her mother. As they chat a bit, Mila admits her undying love, that she and Adam are boyfriend and girlfriend, and the fact that the pair will soon marry. She does say she wants to wait a bit, agreeing with Ellen that she should wait until she’s seven or eight-years-old, but the marriage is on the card. Just after this conversation happens, and after Ellen gifts the toddler the cutest outfit, Adam enters the stage.


He approaches young Mila carrying a pink rose and persists to pick her up. Mila’s reaction? Nerves! 100 percent nerves! She becomes very shy and essentially begs her mother to save her from Adam. Even while hanging out on Ellen’s sofa, Mila turns her cheek in awkwardness. All in all, the whole thing is absolutely adorable.

Watch the video below to find out how Mila’s mother broke the bad news to her daughter and how the little one’s priceless reaction came about. You’ll definitely laugh out loud (or perhaps even cringe). If you’ve loved this video, or are a fan of the famous Adam Levine, be sure to share it with your friends and family.

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